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What’s The Best Cat Food for Urinary Health?


When it comes to feeding your cat the best food for urinary health, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Urinary problems in cats are common, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept your kitty’s UTI as a fact of life. In fact, there are many things you can do to help prevent and treat urinary issues in cats. Here, we’ll discuss the causes of Urinary issues in cats and what food is best for their urinary health. 

cat urinary health food

What are the Causes of Urinary Problems in Cats?

There are many different factors that can cause urinary problems in cats. Among them:

  • Stress
  • Infection
  • Overactive bladder (OAB)
  • Kidney disease
  • Obstruction of the urinary tract, such as a blockage or tumor. This is very rare, but it can occur in male cats who have been neutered before maturity and may be related to the development of prostate cancer later in life. If you notice that there is blood in your cat’s urine or if he’s urinating outside his box more than usual, contact your veterinarian immediately. These symptoms could mean that there has been an obstruction of the urethra—the tube which transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body—and surgery might be necessary to correct it.

Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Problems in Cats

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in cats can be very serious, and if left untreated they can cause serious health problems. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, it’s important to bring them to the vet immediately:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Foul-smelling urine
  • Pain when urinating
dry cat urinary health food

Risk Factors of Urinary Issues in Cats

The most common risk factors for urinary issues in cats are:

  • Age. Older cats are more likely to develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) or kidney-related diseases than kittens or young adults.
  • Breed. The Persian cat breed is predisposed to having feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), the most common cause of lower urinary tract disease.
  • Gender. Female cats that are spayed and male cats that have been neutered may be at higher risk for developing FIC because they do not produce enough testosterone to keep their kidneys clear of crystals and stones as well as intact animals do.
  • Lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, stress level, medication intake, etc., can all contribute toward better or worse urinary health in your pet!

How to Prevent Urinary Problems in Cats?

The best way to prevent urinary problems in cats is to ensure that they get enough water and a high-quality diet. That means feeding your cat water that isn’t out at room temperature, but rather in a bowl or canister. If you have multiple pets, try changing up their sources of water every so often so they don’t develop an aversion to it. Also, make sure they have access to fresh food and plenty of it.

best cat food for urinary health

A high-quality diet should be made up mostly of moisture-dense foods with low protein content (anything less than 10 percent). By contrast, dry diets are typically made up primarily of carbohydrates—which aren’t healthy for your cat or its urinary tract because they won’t help flush out the kidneys as much as other ingredients do. As a rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t consider eating something yourself then chances are good that your kitty shouldn’t either!

The second most important step toward keeping cats healthy is cleaning their litter box daily; if possible twice daily! This will ensure that bacteria doesn’t build up in their environment over time which could lead them down the path toward developing stones or infections later on down the road.”

What is the Appropriate Diet for Cats with UTI

A good diet for cats with urinary tract infections (UTIs) should be high in protein and low in fiber content, phosphorus content, sodium content, magnesium content, and potassium content. It should also contain a low calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.

Let’s talk about why each of these factors is important. A high-protein diet is beneficial because it helps prevent your cat from developing metabolic acidosis—an imbalance between the amount of acids produced by the cat’s body and how much the kidneys can remove from it—which can lead to problems with kidney function. This can make them more susceptible to UTIs as well as other diseases like diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism that could cause blood glucose levels to rise rapidly (but only if you’re feeding them too many carbohydrates).

High-fiber diets are also associated with an increased risk of developing a UTI since they can irritate your pet’s gastrointestinal tract by increasing stool volume which increases excretion time through its lower GI tract–which means longer time spent sitting around waiting for food! This allows bacteria more time than usual which increases the chances that some will enter its urinary system where they begin multiplying rapidly during each breeding cycle until eventually forming an infection causing pain when urinating due to pressure on surrounding structures such as nerves within the bladder tissue itself.”

best urinary cat food

Does Cleaning Litter Box Help with UTI in Cats?

The next step to prevent UTI in cats is to clean the litter box daily. This is true for all cats, but especially so for those with urinary tract problems. There are some differences in cleaning frequency depending on how many cats you have, and how often you change the litter itself.

  • If you only have one cat and you change the litter once a week, then it’s recommended that you clean their box at least every other day (even if it doesn’t feel dirty).
  • If you have two or more cats, then they should be cleaned every day (even though they might not look like they need it).
  • When cleaning a litter box make sure that all clumps are removed from inside of it as well as around its edges before replacing new litter into it.

These are the best types of cat food for urinary health, as recommended by vets:

  • Royal Canin Urinary SO – This is a dry food that’s formulated to help control urination problems in cats. It has a low protein content, which is important because too much protein can make your cat prone to bladder stones. The food also contains cranberry extract and other ingredients that support urinary tract health.
  • Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d – This canned food comes in two flavors: Chicken & Rice Formula and Beef & Chicken Formula. It’s designed to manage chronic kidney disease (CKD), but it can also help cats with inflammatory conditions like cystitis or urethral obstruction, which are common causes of UTIs or kidney stones in cats.
  • Hill’s Prescription Diet i/d – This one comes packaged in cans containing pouches instead of bags or cans; this makes them easier for you to serve up fresh portions each time without having leftover bits floating around your fridge every day! Just tear open one of these pouches when you’re ready—they’re made with real chicken or beef flavor so they smell delicious too! They’re available at most vets’ offices; otherwise, consider buying online from Amazon Prime since many people like myself tend not to want to spend more than 25$ per month getting groceries delivered.”
dry cat food


Urinary issues in cats can be complicated and difficult to deal with. Thankfully, there are a number of steps you can take to minimize the risk and manage the symptoms of UTIs in your pet. If you suspect your cat has a urinary tract infection, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian immediately so they can diagnose any underlying health issues that may have caused it. With proper care and treatment, most cats will recover from this painful condition rather quickly!

The post What’s The Best Cat Food for Urinary Health? appeared first on The Cat Bandit Blog.

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